Jan 2023 – Jan 2024
Dorset COP
The Dorset COP was undoubtedly a major achievement by Sustainable Dorset, Zero Carbon Dorset and Dorset Climate Action Network. It was held in the Corn Exchange, Dorchester, and attended by around 250 people representing over 100 organisations. The main hall hosted five panels covering Policy Overview, Youth Activism, Energy, the Circular Economy and Nature Recovery. Workshops were offered on a variety of topics and speakers corner gave groups the chance to talk about their organisation. Chris Packham’s opening video presentation was the icing on the cake. All in all, an inspiring, thought provoking and successful event.
Links to the talks can be found on the DorsetCOP website. My hope for the event, as well as bringing together many organisations across the county, was to raise the profile of Sustainable Dorset and increase membership and volunteers.
Support for New Projects
Eco Sobo
Eco Sobo an initiative set up by Rosie Edwards, Lizzie McManus and Mandy Polkey in Southbourne, aims to foster sustainable living practices in Southbourne and beyond. “In this endeavour, we see the Dorset Green Living Guide as an invaluable tool. The guide will not only enhance our workshop sessions but also serve as a foundational resource for our community's sustainability efforts. By promoting and distributing copies of the Dorset Green Living Guide at our events, through our social media channels, newsletters, websites, and even at our upcoming Sustainability Festival in 2024, we aim to ensure that this resource reaches a wide audience, empowering them to reduce their carbon footprint.”
Bridport Green Living Project
Bridport Green Living Project is being run by Lesley Windsor and Josef Davies Coates who have both trained to be Transition Streets facilitators. “The aim is to create more caring, more sharing and more connected streets as well as helping people to reduce their carbon footprint and cost of living through taking practical action together, thus building belonging and community resilience.”
Our new website is now live, thanks to Saj Collyer and Laura Tyley for the work that has been done and is continuing.
Many volunteer hours are invested in the various groups across the county and by better networking and collaboration it is hoped that resources and expertise can be shared rather than replicated. So, with this in mind, we have set up two new resources on the website:
Eco Schools
Whilst attending the Gryphon School COP, brilliantly organised by Olivia Bowditch one of our Youth panel speakers at the Dorset COP, I learnt that Dorset is the only county without an Eco Schools website. There is now a dedicated space on our website for Eco Schools, please notify any schools that may be interested in joining.
Textiles Hub
As the Founder of Defashion Dorset I recognise the importance of taking action to combat the damage caused by the fashion industry to our environment. By providing an information hub on our website with details of local fibre growers, makers, repair services, workshops; focusing on upcycling, redesigning and mending, second hand clothes shops etc. we will enable Dorset residents to reduce textile waste and save money.
Our Future
Almost certainly the Dorset COP will become an annual event but will be reliant on volunteers stepping up to help or funding to pay for assistance.
In 2015 Sustainable Dorset put forward a proposal for energy information hubs around the county, this project may come to fruition in a new format.
Jennifer Morisetti