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Reduce Your Plastic

Writer: Angela FendleyAngela Fendley

More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year! Packaging accounts for just over 40% of total plastic usage. Over 100 billion plastic beverage bottles are sold in the U.S alone each year. Annually approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide each with a “working life” of a mere 15 minutes.

Here are some simple ideas for you to adopt to reduce your plastic usage and waste:

  • Take your own bag to the shops

  • Drink tap water and carry it in your own stainless steel bottle

  • Don’t buy body scrubs – those tiny beads are usually made of plastic

  • Choose fruit and vegetables that are not wrapped in plastic

  • Don’t use ‘single use’ plates, knives, forks etc. wash up after you eat.

  • Wherever you can, choose liquid products that can be re-filled rather than bought new etc.

  • Refuse plastic straws in your drinks, try stainless steel or paper.

  • If you can’t find an alternative to single-use plastic, make sure you recycle it

  • Don’t celebrate with balloon releases, the chances are the balloons will land in the ocean, choking seabirds, turtles and marine mammals.

  • Use crystal deodorants – they last far longer, are more effective and some even come with no plastic packaging at all.

  • Use good old-fashioned soap – it works as well as liquid soap and lasts longer

  • Buy butter wrapped in paper instead of in a plastic tub

More information can be found at Plastic Oceans, and Less Plastic. Local groups and information can be found from Win On Waste, Plastic Free Bournemouth, Litter Free Coast & Sea and Wimborne War On Waste.

You could also try this quiz from Friends of the Earth to discover where plastic is lurking hidden in everyday items.


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