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Planet Purbeck

Don't miss their brilliant Change Is Coming report:

We’re a young organisation, ‘the new kids on the block’ if you like. We’re connecting with the community and developing wonderful friendships as we go. We don’t all go wild swimming at 5am before knitting a vegan breakfast out of leaves…! We’re from all walks of life, with teens through to those in their 80’s getting involved. Coming together like this is creating incredible energy and a nice, tingly feeling of joint purpose.

We’re fully aware of the scary stuff - the very real and dramatic effects of climate change and biodiversity loss - so we’ve chosen to focus on solutions that make a positive difference. Whether living or working here, or just visiting the Isle of Purbeck, we’re fortunate to be surrounded by such rich and unique biodiversity.

Planet Purbeck exists to help protect and enhance what we have - if we look after Purbeck, Purbeck will look after us. Just think about the benefits of a wild and windy walk for your general wellbeing if nothing else! Experiencing a connection with the natural world often triggers the desire to ‘make a difference’. That’s why we champion the kind of practical stuff that leaves us with muddy hands and smiling faces: wildflower meadow planting, beach cleans etc. etc.

We make no judgments about where you are on the ‘green spectrum’ - we simply seek to inspire you to get involved in a way that suits you. We represent ever-increasing numbers and want to ensure our local leaders take notice of Purbeck coming together like never before. We will make a positive and real difference. The sum of inspirational individuals, groups and organisations, is far greater than what can be achieved alone.

Planet Purbeck shares and amplifies positive experiences, knowledge and passion. Some might say there’s so much to do and so little time - but there’s loads of us here in Purbeck - so by coming together to ‘do one extra thing’, we’ll make an actual difference. And, because that one thing was fun, saved us a few quid or made us feel better, we’ll do another ‘extra thing’ and then another… this’ll be brilliant, join us, we’re going places…

Purbeck, UK

Planet Purbeck

© 2024 Copyright Sustainable Dorset Ltd. Registered in England and Wales.

Charity no: 1102528 Company no: 04988176.
Sustainable Dorset , c/o Hawkers Farm, Dorset SP8 5LZ

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